The given products - aviation safety system, aerial navigation, air traffic control are considered as IT system for
aviation and key government using the equipment is Aeronautical Radio of Thailand.
In Thailand, the government agencies and the state enterprises related to the aviation field as well as the airport
construction are as follows:
The procurement method which is applied in aviation fields as follow:
-Price Search Method
-Opening Tendering (Bidding)
-Opening Electronic Tendering
-Special Method
Since 1 April 2010, all procurements from the government sectors, state enterprises, public organization, and other
government sectors are required to announce the procurement by Price Search, Open Tendering, Open Electronic
Tendering method at the center website which is Thai Government Procurement
www.gprocurement.go.th (written in
Thai) and their own organization's website.
Brief information on the procurement process of Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Co.,Ltd (AEROTHAI).
Aeronautical Radio of Thailand Co.,Ltd consists of several bureaus and the procurement process will be divided
according to the procurement value:
1) In case of the procurement values of not over 500,000 Baht - each bureau can engage in the procurement by itself.
2) In case of the procurement values of over 500,000 Baht - the procurement will be delivered to "Procurement and
Inventory Control Department" of AEROTHAI.
Remark: 1 US$ = 30 Baht