Added: Nov 01, 2013 12:21 pm
This project is for the establishment of a Distance Measuring Equipment (DME) System and installation of an antenna mast located at the Runway 29 Localizer Shelter at Central Illinois Regional Airport, Bloomington, Illinois.
The contractor shall provide all labor, supervision, materials, and equipment to perform the project in accordance with the contract clauses, drawings, and specifications.
The contractor shall coordinate the exact sequence of work with the airport authority through the Contracting Officer £¿ s Representative (COR) prior to construction and shall provide updated construction schedules at the preconstruction conference and upon request. Contractor shall hold a tailgate safety meeting prior to commencement of work each day, in the presence of the COR, to discuss possible safety hazards and mitigation. The work shall include, but is not limited to:
1. Coordinate with airport operations and local SSC to locate existing underground utilities and cabling near the Runway 29 Localizer Shelter.
2. Contract a registered land surveyor (RLS) to layout and stake DME antenna location.
3. Construct a new equipment shelter foundation for a contractor provided DuPont Shelter, parking area, site work, power and signal cabling.
4. Remove and turn over 8'x12' existing Localizer Equipment Shelter to FAA PIA SSC as directed by COR. Remove foundation from site and restore to match grade.
5. Provide a complete list of Lockout/Tagout procedures.
6. Furnish and install underground power and control cables for Localizer. Contractor shall coordinate with power company for electrical service.
7. Install antenna mast and foundation to support DME antenna.
8. All cables shall be tested per specifications after installation in the presence of the COR. A written record of the test results for all of the conductors shall be delivered to the COR.
9. Cleanup site on daily basis. Gravel or grass areas disturbed by construction activity or vehicles shall be restored to their pre-construction condition to meet the surrounding grade.
10. Participate in Contractor's Acceptance Inspection (CAI) with COR and PIA FAA SSC representative(s). Address punchlist items generated at the inspection.
Contract performance time is 45 calendar days, with an anticipated start date of July 8, 2014. The estimated price range for this procurement is between $100,000 and $250,000.
General contractors must submit their interest in subject project on company letterhead and should include the firm's name, address, telephone number, fax number, email address, and point of contact. Please submit your request to the attention of Irene Medina, to mailing address: 2300 East Devon Avenue, AAQ-520, Des Plaines, IL 60018; or to fax number (847) 294-8310; or to email address:
[email protected]If you're viewing this announcement from a source other than Federal Aviation Administration Contract Opportunities (FAACO), visit to view the original announcement.