ȸÀÇ : 2012 ATC Global Exhibition and Conference
Àå¼Ò : Amsterdam RAI
³¯Â¥ : 6-8 March 2012
The ATC Global 2012 Conference, on 6-7 March this year, brought together industry leaders from around the
world to debate the progress the industry is making towards developing next-generation air traffic management
programmes. Current systems will simply not be able to handle forecast traffic levels without delays and disruption
so the ATC Global 2012 conference was a unique opportunity for regulators, ANSPs, industry and airspace users to
give their view of what the enablers and blockers are around the world. There were lively debates along with important
policy statements and announcements from the world¡¯s key decision makers. These ranged from announcements of
a potential new round of regulations from the European Commission to ensure States introduce functional airspace
blocks to a detailed description of the huge airspace and airport capacity enhancements underway in China.