ȸÀÇ : GNSS Implementation Team (GIT/4) Meeting
Àå¼Ò : Chiang Mai, Thailand
³¯Â¥ : October 7-10, 2003
The Group of Experts on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Implementation was formed during the Satellite Navigation & Communications (SN&C) Systems Advisory Committee meeting held in conjunction with the TPTWG-17 (March 2000). The group's mission is to promote implementation of regional GNSS augmentation systems to enhance inter-modal transportation and recommend actions to be considered by the Advisory Committee. The experts group aims to assist economies implement GPS as a supplemental and/or primary means of navigation for en-route, terminal, and non-precision approaches and is preparing an analysis and an action plan leading to regional GNSS implementation.
A February 2001 Conference and Workshop held in Chinese Taipei resulted in creation of the Group of Experts on GNSS Implementation Team to further develop inter-modal initiatives by creating a regional satellite test bed. The SN&C Advisory Committee recommended and the TPTWG-19 (April 2001) endorsed those initiatives, and recommended that the Experts Group on GNSS Implementation be renamed the GNSS Implementation Team (GIT) which was adopted in Manila at TPTWG-20. Since the TPTWG endorsement, the GIT has met four times.