Global Air Navigation
Executive Summary
Changes in global civil airspace architecture will necessitate changes in Air Force equipment and
procedures. The Scientific Advisory Board Global Air Navigation Study attempted to identify,
define, and categorize the modifications and additions necessary for Department of Defense
(DOD) aircraft and ground systems to operate in the new environment in terms of urgency and
utility. Many estimates of the cost of the new capabilities have been generated, and some of the
estimates exceed $15 billion for all options. We believe that these estimates are not credible, and
we propose an approach that is substantially less expensive. We also attempted to identify systems
and technologies that can serve both military and civil needs. Participants in the study were drawn
from a broad cross section of both civil and military aviation. We visited several military and civil
aviation facilities, and took many briefings from and held discussions with U.S. and foreign government
and commercial organizations.
Airspace architectures and global air traffic management..........................